Member Notice

Check-in volunteers will wear masks when checking in players. Leave an empty rink (or the cement walkway) on each side of your game. Activity should always be in line with the County Public Health Department’s advised social distancing measures (6 feet social distancing), including when arriving to and departing from the facility. Only one person should use a restroom at a time. Players must wash their hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds after each restroom visit.Personal towels, chalk, facemasks, gloves and other personal items are not to be shared. Facemasks are required to be worn when entering the property and are continued to be worn prior to setting the first jack.  Facemasks are optional during play. Team Selection:  A designated clip board person will wear gloves and place members’ name chipsContinue Reading

Reminder: The regulations of Parks and Recreation requires that masks be worn at all times while on Club property. This must be followed as failure to do so will result in the suspension of activities at MPLBC.Continue Reading

To protect our members from Covid-19 we have made adjustments to how the game is played, to the use of the facilities, and require specific practices in the use of masks and and social distance. Hopefully, the pandemic will end and we can return to our normal day-to-day operation. UntilContinue Reading